
Facing a foreign country, moving into a new market and running a larger and more complex business is a challenge that requires solid skills.


Any company that internationalises tackles a more structured organisation, new tasks and more difficult challenges. For this reason, alongside the strategy and the landing process in foreign markets, GMA also supports you with internal training.

Our Market Architects will train you and select our professionals best suited to meet your needs. The tutoring can take place directly within your company (in-house) or you can follow a training path through accredited bodies.

After the specific and personalised training you receive, you can independently deal with many aspects of the internationalisation process: knowing how to draw up an international marketing strategy and an export plan, consolidating or developing skills from scratch on international contracts, managing international payment systems, evaluating which markets to invest in, knowing the specific dynamics of a specific market, are just some of the skills that we will convey you.

Ample space will be given to digital internationalisation because it is the marketing technique that we have put our faith in and consider most effective today. We will explain what it means to attract potential customers who are seriously interested in your product or service, we will teach you how to build the content that interests them, how to promote them, how to use social media and online advertising in a sharp and targeted way, we train you to build effective digital communication actions.

Our tools

Tutoring is GMA’s tool to grow the company not abroad, but within itself: we develop new skills and professionalism to face the challenge of a new and wider market, we entrust you to experienced teachers and consultants, we follow you step by step in the training phases of your company with the most useful and effective courses and tools.

How can I deal with the new market?
Which additional figures do I need?
What do I need to change within my company?
How do you make everyone participate and be active in the new process?

Why choose GMA?
Customised training
In-house consultants
Access to training funds
Growth and digital innovation
Customised training
In-house consultants
Access to training funds
Growth and digital innovation